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AlkoholismeAlzheimers Og ParkinsonsAnalgetikaAnti-inflammatoriskeAntiallergikumAntibiotikaAntidepressivaAntikonceptionsmidlerAntikonvulsivaAntiparasitæreAntiviraleArtritisAstmaDiabetesFedmeHud PlejeHuman Immundefekt VirusHypertensionKar-sygdommeKirurgiKolesterolKræftKvinder SundhedLuftvejeMave-tarmkanalenMigræneMuskelrelaksantiaMænd's HealthNeurologiske LidelserOsteoporosePsykisk SygdomRejsningsproblemerStoppe RygningSvampemidlerUrinary TractØjne Pleje ![]() ![]() Plan B One-Step (Levonorgestrel)
Plan B One-Step bruges til at forhindre graviditet efter ubeskyttet sex eller svigt af andre former for prævention (såsom kondombrydning eller manglende 2 eller flere p-piller).
Mest populære mængde. Levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive tabletWhat is levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive?Levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or failure of other forms of birth control (such as condom breakage, or missing 2 or more birth control pills). Important Informationlevonorgestrel emergency contraceptive will not terminate pregnancy if the fertilized egg has already attached to the uterus. Before taking this medicineDo not use this medicine if you are already pregnant. Levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive will not terminate a pregnancy that has already begun (the fertilized egg has attached to the uterus). How should I take levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive?Use exactly as directed on the label, or as prescribed by your doctor. What happens if I overdose?Because levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive is supplied as a single tablet in an exact strength, an overdose is unlikely to occur when the levonorgestrel is used as directed. Do not take more than one tablet at the same time.
What other drugs will affect levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive?Certain other medications can make levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive less effective, which may result in pregnancy. Ask a doctor or pharmacist if levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive is safe to use if you are using any of the following medications:
This list is not complete. Other drugs may affect levonorgestrel, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Not all possible drug interactions are listed here. |