Generic Acular relieves the itchy eyes brought on by seasonal allergies. It is also prescribed to reduce inflammation after cataracts have been removed from the eyes.
Generic Arava is used for reducing signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used to improve physical function and to prevent the development of structural damage to the joints.
Generic Arcoxia is used for treating acute and chronic pain, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used for management of ankylosing spondylitis and relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain. It is also used for treating gout.
Generic Aristocort reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. It is used to treat the inflammation caused by a number of conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis.
Generic Asacol is used for treating and causing remission of various forms of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon).
Generic Azulfidine is used for treating ulcerative colitis. It is also used to increase the time between attacks of ulcerative colitis.
Beclomethasone er et inhaleret steroid, der bruges til at forhindre astmaanfald hos voksne og børn på mindst 4 år. Beclomethasone indånding vil ikke behandle et astmaanfald, der allerede er begyndt.
Budecort er kortikosteroid med en aktiv ingrediens budesonid, der forhindrer frigivelse af stoffer i kroppen, der forårsager betændelse. Budesonid-inhalationer bruges til at forhindre astmaanfald hos voksne og børn, der er mindst 6 år gamle.
Canasa (som Mesalamine behandler) er en substans i kroppen som forårsager inflammation, vævsbeskadigelse og diaré. Mesalamine rectal anvendes på at behandle colitis ulcerosa, endetarmsbetændelse og proctosigmoiditis. Mesalamine også anvendes på at forhindre tilbagekomst af colitis ulcerosa symptomer.
Celebrex er et generisk lægemiddel til behandling af leddegigt, slidgigt, ankyloserende spondylitis, børnegigt eller menstruationssmerter. Det anvendes også til behandling af familiær adenomatøs polyposis (FAP) for at formindske antal polypper (vækst) i endetarm.
Generic Colcrys is used for treating and preventing pain associated with gouty arthritis.
Cortaid creme er et lokalt virkende steroid. Det reducerer kemikaliernes virkning, der forårsager betændelse i kroppen. Cortaid creme bruges til behandling af betændelse i huden forårsaget af en række sygdomme, som allergiske reaktioner, eksem eller psoriasis. Der findes mange mærker og former af Cortaid creme, og ikke alle mærker er angivet på denne indlægsseddel.
Roflumilast reduces inflammation in the lungs that leads to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Roflumilast is used to prevent worsening of symptoms in people with severe COPD. Roflumilast is not a bronchodilator and will not treat a bronchospasm attack that has already begun.
Generic Dexone depresses formation, release, and activity of endogenous mediators of inflammation, including prostaglandins, kinins, histamine, liposomal enzymes, and complement expression. Also modifies the body's immune response.
Generisk Diprolene er et steroid med betamethason som en aktiv bestandde, som forhindrer frigivelsen af stoffer i kroppen, der forårsager betændelse. Betamethason for huden anvendes til behandling af inflammation og kløe forårsaget af hudproblemer, såsom eksem, psoriasis eller allergiske reaktioner.
Emflaza is a corticosteroid indicated for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in patients at the age of 5 and older.
Budesonid er et steroid, som reducerer betændelse i kroppen. Budesonid (oral) bruges til at behandle Crohns sygdoms milde og moderate symptomer.
Generisk Estrace anvendes til at behandle overgangsalderen tilstander (d.v.s. hedeture, vaginal kløe, brændning eller tørhed), vulva- eller vaginal atrofi behandling, og at forhindre osteoporose (knogleskørhed). Det også anvendes til østrogenerstatningsbehandling efter svigt af æggestokkene, og at lindre symptomer på brystkræft.
Generic Feldene is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis or osteoarthritis.
Flarex is a glucocorticosteroid for topical application in the form of eye drops. Therapeutic efficacy is manifested in its anti-inflammatory, anti allergic and anti-exudative action, due to its vasoconstrictor effect. The remedy is designed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva, the cornea, the anterior part of the eye.
Florinef Acetate er et steroid, der hjælper med at reducere betændelse i kroppen. Florinef Acetate bruges til at behandle tilstande, hvor kroppen ikke producerer nok af sine egne steroider, såsom Addisons sygdom, og salttabende adrenogenitalt syndrom.
Fusiderm B cream is indicated for the treatment of eczematous dermatoses including atopic eczema, infantile eczema, stasis eczema, contact eczema and seborrhoeic eczema when secondary bacterial infection is confirmed or suspected.
Generic Ilosone is used to treat many kinds of infections and to prevent ''strep'' infections in patients with a history of rheumatic heart disease who may be allergic to penicillin.
Generic Indocin is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis.
Generic Indocin Sustained-Release is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis.
Lodine is used to relieve the inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain of osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used to relieve pain in other situations.
Generic Lotemax is used for treating swelling, itching, redness, or irritation of the eye caused by bacterial or viral infections, surgery, or certain allergies.
Generic Medrol active is a steroid that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.

Folk bruger melatonin til at regulere kroppens indre ur. Den bruges til jetlag, til at regulere døgnrytme hos mennesker, hvis daglige arbejdsplan skifter (døgnrytmeforstyrrelser) og for at hjælpe blinde personer med at regulere døgnrytme. Melatonin bruges også til manglende evne til at falde i søvn (søvnløshed); socialt jetlag (DSPS); REM-behavior disorder (RBD); søvnløshed forbundet med forstyrrelse af opmærksomhed og aktivitets lidelse (ADHD); søvnløshed på grund af visse lægemidler mod højt blodtryk kaldet beta-blokkere; søvnproblemer hos børn med udviklingsforstyrrelser, herunder autisme, cerebral parese og børn med intellektuelle handicaps. Det anvendes også som søvnhjælpemiddel efter ophør med benzodiazepinlægemidler og for at mindske bivirkningerne ved at stoppe rygningen. Nogle mennesker bruger melatonin til Alzheimers sygdom eller hukommelsestab (demens), bipolar lidelse, en lungesygdom kaldet kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom (COL), søvnløshed forårsaget af beta-blokkerende stoffer, endometriose, ringen for ørerne, depression eller sæsonbestemte lidelser (SAD), mild kognitiv forstyrrelse, ikke-alkoholisk leversygdom, kronisk utmattelsessyndrom(CFS), fibromyalgi, rastløse ben syndrome, en infiltrativ sygdom kaldet sarcoidose, skizofreni, migræne og andre slags hovedpine, aldersrelateret synstab, godartet prostataforstyrrelse(BPH), irritabel tyktarm(IBS), knogleskørhed (osteoporose), en bevægelsesforstyrrelse kaldet tardive dyskinesi (TDS), gastroøsofagal refluksygdom, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), træningsevne, infertilitet, epilepsi, aldring, til overgangsalderen, metabolisk syndrom, til rehabilitering efter operationen, psykomotorisk agitation forårsaget af anæstesi, stress, ufrivillig bevægelsesforstyrrelse (tardiv dyskinesi), ændringer i hjerteklap, når man bevæger sig fra at lægge sig til at sidde op (orthostatisk dysregulation), delirium, manglende evne til at kontrollere urinering, kæbesmerter, inflammatorisk tarmsygdom (ulcerøs colitis) og til prævention.
Generic Mobic is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and juvenile arthritis.
Generic Motrin is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as headache, toothache, back pain, arthritis, menstrual cramps or minor injury.
Generic Naprosyn is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and juvenile arthritis. It is used to treat tendonitis, bursitis, gout, menstrual cramps, or mild to moderate pain.
Orahelp® is an antiseptic oral gel. It is an effective remedy for various types of mouth ulcers. The specific indications for the medication are ulcers in mouth, toothaches, and abrasions in the mouth.
Orapred (prednisolone) syrup contains prednisolone which is a glucocorticoid. Glucocorticoids are adrenocortical steroids, both naturally occurring and synthetic, which are readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Prednisolone Syrup is indicated in the following conditions: endocrine, rheumatic, hematologic disorders; allergic and edematous states; collagen, dermatologic, ophthalmic, respiratory, gastrointestinal and neoplastic diseases; tuberculous meningitis with subarachnoid block or impending block used concurrently with appropriate anti-tuberculous chemotherapy.
Orapred Dispersible (prednisolone) is a corticosteroid medicine that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Orapred Dispersible orally disintegrating tablets are used to treat many different inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, allergic disorders, gland (endocrine) disorders, and conditions that affect the skin, eyes, lungs, stomach, nervous system, or blood cells.
Orapred oral drops, prednisolone liquid, is a man-made form of a natural substance (corticosteroid hormone) made by the adrenal gland. It is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood problems, immune system disorders, skin and eye conditions, breathing problems, cancer, and severe allergies. It decreases your immune system's response to various diseases to reduce symptoms such as pain, swelling, and allergic-type reactions. Take this medication by mouth, with food or milk to prevent stomach upset, exactly as directed by your doctor.
Generic Pentasa is used for treating and causing remission of various forms of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon).
Generic Ponstel is in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis. It is also used to treat menstrual pain.
Pred Forte® (prednisolone acetate ophthalmic suspension) 1% is a sterile, topical anti-inflammatory agent for ophthalmic use. This medication is used to treat certain eye conditions due to inflammation or injury. Prednisolone works by relieving symptoms such as swelling, redness, and itching. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids.
Prelone er et generisk lægemiddel, der anvendes til lindring af betændelse i kroppens dele. Det formindsker hævelse, rødme, kløe og allergiske reaktioner. Det anvendes oftes som en del af behandling til en række sygdomme såsom alvorlige allergier eller hudproblemer, astma, artrit etc.
Qvar contains beclomethasone, a corticosteroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Qvar Nasal Aerosol is a prescription medicine that treats seasonal nasal and year-round nasal allergy symptoms, such as congestion, sneezing, and runny nose in adults and children 12 years of age and older. Qvar Nasal Aerosol (40 mcg) is used for the treatment of nasal allergy symptoms in children 4-11 years of age.
Generic Rhinocort is a nasal spray containing budesonide, a corticosteroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Budesonide is used to treat nasal symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, and runny nose caused by seasonal or year-round allergies.
Symbicort er et generisk lægemiddel, et steroid, der formindsker betændelse i kroppen. Formoterol er en bronkodilator, der afslapper musklerne i luftvejene for at forbedre vejrtrækningen. Budesonide og Formoterol anvendes til at forebygge bronkospasmer hos mennesker med astma eller kronisk obstruktiv lunge sygdom (KOL).
Synalar creme er et lokalt virkende kortikosteroid. Lindrer kløe og inflammation i huden. Reducerer eller eliminerer manifestationer af inflammatorisk hudreaktion. Efter absorption fra huden binder det med proteiner i plasma og metaboliseres primært i leveren. Det udskilles af nyrerne. Det bruges til behandling af følgende hudsygdomme: psoriasis, lichen planus, seborrheic dermatitis, eksem, forskellige genesis og lokalisering (herunder eksem hos børn), atopisk dermatitis, kløe af forskellige oprindelser, allergisk hudsygdom, diskoid lupus erythematosus, første grads forbrændinger, solskoldning, insektbid.
Temovate er et generisk lægemiddel, der anvendes til behandling af betændelser og kløende hud på hoved på grund af nogle hudtilstande. Det anvendes også til behandling af psoriasis i moderat eller svær grad.
Toradol (ketorolac) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Ketorolac works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Toradol is used short-term (5 days or less) to treat moderate to severe pain. You should not use Toradol if you have any active or recent bleeding, a head injury, a stomach ulcer, severe kidney disease, a bleeding or blood-clotting disorder if you are scheduled to have surgery, if you are in late pregnancy, or if you are breast-feeding a baby.
Ultravate - is a super-high potency corticosteroid (topical anti-inflammatory medication). This pharmaceutical is used as a cream to treat a variety of skin conditions (such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, rash). Halobetasol (it's active ingredient) reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions.
Generic Voltaren er et NSAID der anvendes for at lindre betændelsen, hævelse, stivhed og ledsmerter.
Voltaren Gel indeholder diclofenac, en anti-inflammatoriske drug (NSAID). Diclofenac virker som smertestillende og antiinflammatorisk lægemiddel. Voltaren Gel anvendes på at behandle ledsmerter i hænder, håndled, albuer, knæ, ankler og fødder, der er forårsaget af osteoarthritis.
Generic Voltaren Extended-Release is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. It is an NSAID.
Generic Xylocaine is used for causing loss of feeling during dental or surgical procedures, labor, or delivery.