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AlkoholismeAlzheimers Og ParkinsonsAnalgetikaAnti-inflammatoriskeAntiallergikumAntibiotikaAntidepressivaAntikonceptionsmidlerAntikonvulsivaAntiparasitæreAntiviraleArtritisAstmaDiabetesFedmeHud PlejeHuman Immundefekt VirusHypertensionKar-sygdommeKirurgiKolesterolKræftKvinder SundhedLuftvejeMave-tarmkanalenMigræneMuskelrelaksantiaMænd's HealthNeurologiske LidelserOsteoporosePsykisk SygdomRejsningsproblemerStoppe RygningSvampemidlerUrinary TractØjne Pleje ![]() ![]() Androxal (Enclomiphene)
Eenclomiphene er en ikke-steroid østrogenreceptorantagonist under udvikling for sekundær hypogonadisme hos overvægtige mænd, der ønsker at gendanne normal testikelfunktion.
Mest populære mængde. AndroxalWhat is this product?Eenclomiphene is a non-steroidal estrogen receptor antagonist in development for secondary hypogonadism in overweight men wishing to restore normal testicular function. Why is Androxal prescribed?Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder that hinders the ovulation process when the ovary releases an egg. As a result, ovaries become inflamed and develop cysts, which further result in irregular menstrual periods. Women who face pregnancy failure due to PCOS and ovulatory dysfunction is often recommended Androxal (Clomiphene) to rule out this condition. It can temporarily correct the ovulation process in women dealing with infertility. How to use Androxal?The doctor will ask you to start clomiphene orally on either day of your menstrual cycle. One pill needs to be taken for five days. Ovulation often occurs between 13-18 days of your cycle. In case, one’s fails to ovulate, the doctor may increase the dosage. What if I miss the dose of Androxal (Clomiphene)?
It is always recommended to take the dose at the same time every day. In case, you have missed it, take it as soon as you remember. Do not double dose or take the missed dose, if you are near the time for your next dose. Side EffectsThe side-effects of using Androxal are:
Check with your doctor if any of these symptoms are bothersome. Drug InteractionSome of the medicines should not be taken together at all. Therefore, your doctor should always be informed about all the medications you are taking to avoid any drug interaction. PrecautionsWhen this medication is taken, regular visits to the doctor are necessary to check the progress and effectiveness of the medication on you. In case, you think you are pregnant. Don’t delay! Taking clomiphene while you are pregnant may cause birth defects. |