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AlkoholismusAlzheimer Und ParkinsonAnalgetikaAntiallergikumAntibiotikaAntidepressivaAntikonvulsivaAntimykotikaAntiparasitenmittelArthritisAsthmaAtemwegeAugepflegeCholesterinDiabetesEntzündungshemmende MittelErektionsstörungenFettsuchtFrauenmedizinGesundheit Des MannesHIVHarnweg-TraktHautpflegeHerz-Kreislauf-ErkrankungenHypertonieKrebsMagen-Darm-TraktMental-psychische StörungenMigräneMuskel-RelaxansNeurologische StörungenOperationenOsteoporoseRaucherentwöhnungVerhütungsmittelVirustötenden ![]() ![]() Flarex (Fluorometholone)
Flarex ist ein glucocorticosteroid fur die topische Anwendung in form von Augentropfen. Therapeutische Wirkung manifestiert sich in seiner anti-entzundlichen, anti-allergischen und anti-exsudative Aktion, durch seine vasokonstriktorische Wirkung. Das Heilmittel ist fur die Behandlung von entzundlichen Erkrankungen der Bindehaut, die Hornhaut, den vorderen Teil des Auges.
Fluorometholone eye dropsWhat is this product?Fluorometholone is a glucocorticosteroid for topical application in the form of eye drops. Therapeutic efficacy is manifested in its anti-inflammatory, anti allergic and anti-exudative action, due to its vasoconstrictor effect. The remedy is designed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva, the cornea, the anterior part of the eye. How to use this product?Apply by instillation into the conjunctival sac 2-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is set individually. What are the possible side effects?Possible glaucoma, damage to the eye nerve, decreased visual acuity, visual impairment, cataract formation, development of secondary infection, perforation of eye tissues. What are the contraindications for this product?Viral diseases, tuberculosis, fungal infections, untreated bacterial infections, hypersensitivity to fluorometholone. What are the special instructions?With prolonged use, the risk of glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve, visual acuity, secondary eye infection increases. |