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AlkoholismusAlzheimer Und ParkinsonAnalgetikaAntiallergikumAntibiotikaAntidepressivaAntikonvulsivaAntimykotikaAntiparasitenmittelArthritisAsthmaAtemwegeAugepflegeCholesterinDiabetesEntzündungshemmende MittelErektionsstörungenFettsuchtFrauenmedizinGesundheit Des MannesHIVHarnweg-TraktHautpflegeHerz-Kreislauf-ErkrankungenHypertonieKrebsMagen-Darm-TraktMental-psychische StörungenMigräneMuskel-RelaxansNeurologische StörungenOperationenOsteoporoseRaucherentwöhnungVerhütungsmittelVirustötenden ![]() ![]() Scarend Silicone (Silicone)
Scarend ist es ein topisches schnelltrocknendes Gel aus Silikon und Cyclopentasiloxan, das hilft, Narben zu reduzieren.
What is this medicine?Scarend is the most effective topical Silicone Gel, used to help get rid of scars in recently healed wounds and also reduce current almost formed scars. After clinical trials, this gel has proven to smooth, flatten and reduce scars, it prevents itching, pain and discomfort associated with scars. How Scarend Works?The mode of action of silicone based gels in scar management has not been completely investigated.
How to use Scarend Silicone GelScarend is simply applied to most areas of the body, either face or joints. It is released in a 10g tube and can be ordered with or without a prescription. It is recommened to use the Gel twice a day: PrecautionsDo not apply this product onto open wounds, situated on mucous membranes or pretty close to your eyes, inside the nose, throat.