Letter Z

Generic Zanaflex is used for treating muscle spasms. It may also be used to help in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury.

kr 13.16 Pr pille

Generisk Zantac reduserer produksjonen av magesyre. Det er også brukt til å behandle sår i tynntarmen som ikke har respondert på annen behandling.

kr 12.23 Pr pille

Generic Zebeta is used for treatment of high blood pressure. It is a beta-blocker. It works by interfering with certain body chemicals, which cause the heart to beat with less force and pump out less blood.

kr 11.32 Pr pille

Zenegra® er et nytt medikament produsert av Alkem Pharma (India) og brukes til å behandle ereksjonsforstyrrelser hos menn.

kr 8.81 Pr pille

Generic Zestoretic is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic (water pill) that helps prevent your body from absorbing too much salt, which can cause fluid retention. Lisinopril lowers blood pressure and also relieves symptoms of fluid retention.

kr 14.38 Pr pille

Generisk Zestril brukes til behandling av høyt blodtrykk alene eller sammen med andre legemidler. Det brukes også for regulering av hjertesvikt eller økning i overlevelse etter hjerteinfarkt.

kr 6.58 Pr pille

Generic Zetia is used for treating high blood cholesterol along with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It is also used to treat high blood sitosterol and campesterol along with diet therapy.

kr 16.52 Pr pille

Ziac is used for treating high blood pressure.

kr 14.38 Pr pille

Ziagen is used, in combination with other medicines, in the treatment of the infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Abacavir will not cure or prevent HIV infection or AIDS; however, it helps keep HIV from reproducing and appears to slow down the destruction of the immune system.

kr 99.13 Pr pille

Zincoheal® Tab is an advanced formula of high concentration of essential nutrients, vital minerals and Zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in enhancing the immunity of the body. The ingredient Selenium is a powerful immune booster which guarantees a strong of immunity. This tab has nutrients which help advance healthy cell growth while assisting with the development and repair of tissues in all parts of your body.

kr 4.40 Pr pille

Zinconia® tablet is a nutritional supplement which provides support in cardiac, tubercular, rheumatic and diabetic patients as well as those suffering from acute and chronic diseases. It mainly aids the absorption of calcium within the body. It helps in boosting the process of recovery from respiratory disorders. The tablet is utilized in treating all immune deficiency disorders. It also useful in facilitating the method of wound healing.

kr 4.40 Pr pille

Generic Zithromax brukes til å behandle forskjellige typer av infeksjoner forårsaket av bakterier, som luftveisinfeksjoner, hudinfeksjoner, øreinfeksjoner og seksuelt overførte sykdommer. Hos barn brukes medikamentet til å behandle mild ørebetennelse, lungebetennelse, betennelse i mandlene og halsbetennelse

kr 14.38 Pr pille

Generic løselig Zithromax brukes til å behandle forskjellige typer av infeksjoner forårsaket av bakterier, som luftveisinfeksjoner, hudinfeksjoner, øreinfeksjoner og seksuelt overførte sykdommer. Hos barn brukes medikamentet til å behandle mild ørebetennelse, lungebetennelse, betennelse i mandlene og halsbetennelse

kr 9.90 Pr pille

Generic Zocor is used for lowering high cholesterol and triglycerides in certain patients. It is used along with an appropriate diet. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death due to coronary heart disease. It is also used to reduce the need for medical procedures to open blocked blood vessels. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, blood vessel blockage, or chest pain caused by angina.

kr 10.71 Pr pille

Generic Zofran is used to prevent nausea and vomiting that may be caused by surgery or by medicine to treat cancer (chemotherapy or radiation). Ondansetron blocks the actions of chemicals in the body that can trigger nausea and vomiting.

kr 20.19 Pr pille

Zoloft (sertraline) is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The way sertraline works is still not fully understood. It is thought to positively affect communication between nerve cells in the central nervous system and/or restore chemical balance in the brain. Zoloft is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

kr 4.40 Pr pille

Zomig er en hodepinemedisin som snevrer blodkar rundt hjernen. Zomig reduserer også stoffer i kroppen som kan utløse hodepinesmerte, kvalme, følsom for lys og lyd og andre migrenesymptomer. Zomig brukes til å behandle migrenehodepiner. Zomig vil kun behandle en hodepine som allerede har begynt. Den vil ikke forhindre hodepiner eller redusere antallet angrep. Zomig bør ikke brukes til å behandle en vanlig spenningshodepine, en hodepine som fører til tap av bevegelse på en side av kroppen din, eller enhver hodepine som virker å være forskjellig fra dine vanlige migrenehodepiner. Bruk kun dette medikamentet hvis tilstanden din har blitt bekreftet av en lege som migrenehodepiner.

kr 440.51 Pr pille

Generic Zovirax er et antiviralt medikament. Det bremser veksten og spredningen av herpesviruset, slik at kroppen kan bekjempe infeksjonen. Acyclovir vil ikke kurere herpes, men det kan minske symptomene på infeksjonen. Acyclovir brukes til å behandle infeksjoner forårsaket av herpesvirus. Sykdommer forårsaket av herpesvirus inkluderer genitalherpes, forkjølelsessår, helvetesild, og vannkopper.

kr 8.57 Pr pille

Zovirax - ophthalmic ointment is used for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the eye. Aciclovir (the principle ingredient in Zovirax ophthalmic ointment) belongs to a group of medicines called anti-virals. It works by stopping the production of the herpes simplex virus. Note, this ointment does not help to get rid of the virus from your body and is only suitable for use in the eye.

kr 165.12 Pr pille

Generic Zydena - the drug udenafil, marketed under the trade name Zydena developed by Dong-A Pharmaceutical in South Korea. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction, it has fairly rapid onset of action with long duration (from 11 to 13 hours). The pills are available in 100 and 200 mg dosages. Udenafil is available in Korea and the Philippines.

kr 99.13 Pr pille

Generic Zyloprim is used in the treatment of many symptoms of gout, including acute attacks, tophi (collection of uric acid crystals in the tissues, especially around joints), joint destruction, and uric acid stones. Allopurinol works by reducing uric acid production in the body, thus preventing crystals from forming.

kr 7.34 Pr pille

Generic Zyprexa brukes til å behandle symptomer på psykotiske tilstander som schizofreni og bipolar forstyrrelse (manisk depresjon)

kr 7.95 Pr pille

Generic Zyrtec is used to prevent or treat symptoms of hay fever and to treat cold or allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, or runny nose. It is also used to treat itching and swelling caused by chronic urticaria (hives).

kr 7.95 Pr pille

Generic Zyvox is an oxazolidinone antibiotic that fights bacteria in the body. It works by interfering with the production of proteins needed by bacteria to grow.

kr 110.14 Pr pille
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